Thursday, December 12, 2013

IVF Outcomes in the United States: 2010

Since 1992, federal law requires all IVF clinics in the United States to report their outcomes regarding success rates and multiple births. This law has helped our field improve its standards and help lower the multiple birth rate but more work still needs to be done (i.e single embryo transfer). Keep in mind that the latest data is from 2010 because it takes 9-10 months to get live birth data and then another year to process and publish the data. You can read the latest report from the CDC past the jump.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Should I freeze my eggs?

To freeze or not to freeze… that is a popular question among modern, reproductive age women. Media coverage of egg freezing in an effort to defer childbearing is everywhere. A simple google search clues us in on our society's fascination with this technology. But who is using oocyte cryopreservation and should you learn more about it. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hyper-Hypo-and-anechoicity: a guide!

I'm back in the blog game. Here is a nice piece from our ultrasonographers about ultrasound findings. Simple and straightforward. This is helpful for both practicing physicians and trainees. A refresher of sorts after the jump